Learning about money and finance shouldn’t feel like a PhD course. Here are 5 best personal finance books for beginners to get you started.
Money, money money: it makes the world go round. Yet, many people don’t think or know enough about it. However, along with going to the gym, sorting out personal finances is one of the most popular New Year resolutions. But just like starting at the gym, most people don’t find the motivation, or they don’t know where to start. These books break down the fundamentals of personal finance in simple and easy to understand concepts – who knew personal finance could sound so simple?
Here are 5 best personal finance books for beginners.
Rich Dad, Poor Dad

With over 32 million copies sold across 109 countries, there’s a reason why Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad, Poor Dad is so popular; it breaks down personal finance in very very very simple terms. With simple short stories and graphs, Kiyosaki does well to explain the basics of personal finance. Rich Dad, Poor Dad, is one to read.
Rich Dad, Poor Dad is available to purchase here
The Richest Man in Babylon

Simple stories and a very quick read – what more could you want? The Richest Man in Babylon explains the concept of building wealth through well-written stories. After reading it, it’s easy to understand why its sold more than 2 million copies.
The Richest Man in Babylon is available to purchase here
Think and Grow Rich

Although Napoleon Hill’s very popular best seller isn’t strictly about the fundamentals of personal finance, it teaches you about the mindset you should adopt, if you want success. Think and grow rich doesn’t include any secret formulas or get rich quick schemes. Rather, it’s a series of conclusions reached from interviews with some of the most successful people ever – if you want to know what drove Henry Ford or Edison success, this book’s for you.
Think and grow rich is available to purchase here
The Total Money Makeover

Dave Ramsay’s The Total Money Makeover is a bestseller for a very good reason. For beginners, there are few better places to start. From advice on starting a saving fund, investing, and paying off debts, Ramsay’s book is a very good personal finance guide.
The Total Money Makeover is available to purchase here
Beating the Street

For beginners looking to start an investment portfolio, there are few better places to start that Peter Lynch’s Beating the Street. With detailed investment and finance advice, this book breaks down complex jargon well.
Beating the Street is available to purchase here
Need some more books to read? Here are 10 books to read in 2020 according to Bill Gates and other successful people.