Being as productive as you want is as much a skill as anything else – here’s the best guide on how to get it.
You wake up one day, decide that from this very second, you’re gonna focus on your goals, whether that be setting up your own business or finishing your degree. But, after a disastrous attempt at productivity, you slip back into your old habits: watching Netflix, hours of Youtube videos, or scrolling through Instagram – does this all sound too familiar? If so, then here are 5 reasons you’re not being as productive as you want.
1. You’re not setting any goals/ specific targets

Think of setting goals as a roadmap. You won’t drive from one place to another without knowing where you’re going, so why try to achieve something, whatever that is, without setting goals? Keep in mind, that setting the wrong targets can just as bad, or even worse, than setting no targets at all. To get started, and to make sure that your goals and targets are achievable, they should be SMART:
- Specific ( it should be and unambiguous)
- Measurable (how will you know when you’ve achieved it?
- Achievable
- Realistic
- Time-specific
Here’s an example of a SMART goal: After reading this, you should follow our Instagram account, to keep up to date with similar content. See? it’s specific, measurable, achievable (unless you have a flip-phone), realistic and time-specific (to follow us, click here: @theurbjournal)
2. You’re easily distracted

There are distractions everywhere, especially when everyone’s stuck at home during a global pandemic. From Netflix to video games, the options are endless. On average, adults spend 11 hours scrolling through or interacting with technology or social media – that’s more than a flight from London to New York. To avoid spending this much time needlessly scrolling through your phone or watching TV, why not turn them off and leave them somewhere else?
3. You’re not waking up early enough

There’s a reason why most successful people wake up early in the day – it gives you more time to think and do stuff. Not only will you have more energy, you’ll have time to think and set your goals for the day without any interruption. From Jack Dorsey to Richard Branson, waking up earlier has given many people the time need to become successful. We’re not suggesting you wake up at 5am as they do – but if you want to become more productive, you need to wake up earlier.
4. You’re trying to do too many things at once

Trying to finish or do as many things at once means that you’re not spending enough time on individual tasks. Why not try to book in 30 mins a day to reply to all emails? Or an hour to fit in all your phone calls, or specific times in the day to complete certain tasks?
5. You’re not prepared enough

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe”. That was Abraham Lincoln’s view of the importance of preparation; and if it’s good enough for Lincoln, it’s good enough for you. Being prepared means understanding what you’re doing, having the resources do it, and being disciplined in doing it. If you need help understanding what you need to do, being prepared also means being able to ask for help.