Words by Chanelle Goddard
For simple, practical and reliable personal finance advice on social media— meet Patricia Bright.
On the internet, everyone’s a financial expert, or so it seems. From the persistent forex traders to the self-declared money gurus, there’s no shortage of financial advice circulating around on social media. Finding the right advice – when there are many conflicting opinions from ‘experts’ – is a hard and time-consuming task. That’s why you should listen to Patricia Bright. She has nearly 3 million Youtube subscribers, proving her popularity with young and ambitious people. Plus, she recently landed an interview with British Vogue – that counts for something, right?
Over the past ten years, she has become a Youtube favourite not just for all things personal finance, but style, beauty, family and travel. Her finance specific sub-channel, ‘The Break’, provides useful financial and business advice to viewers and subscribers. Despite the channel’s recent launch, it has already gained an impressive 317k subscribers and more than 750k views. A variety of topics, which will be of particular interest to beginners, are covered in her funny, simple and entertaining videos. From ‘How To Invest in The Stock Market For Beginners’ to ‘How To Build Your Own Financial Plan When Sh*t Hits The Fan’, Bright covers all important topics. And she does it all without making you feel completely idiotic and devoid of common sense – something other ‘financial advisors’ struggle with.

Her advice isn’t limited to the bigger and more complicated financial decisions, but includes the simple and important aspects of good personal finance: budgeting, ways to earn extra cash and sources of passive income are all covered in her Youtube videos, which she posts twice a week.
As well as giving general advice, she also encourages her viewers to send in their financial dilemmas, topics for discussion and to share their own personal growth and development stories. She also discusses her own financial journey, giving viewers an insight into how she incorporates her own advice in her financial and business affairs; this makes her different from other social media financial advisors and popular with audiences of all ages.
In talking about her own experiences, she’s very transparent. For example, in her ‘How I Budget My £65,000 Salary’ video, she breaks down, in detail, her income, expenses, savings, and how she organises her financial plan using Excel.
Her videos are for everyone and to her, it’s important you know that: “Share this with your broke friends, your rich friends, your struggling with student debt friends, and your credit card friends”. And in true Youtuber fashion, there’s an occasional giveaway to keep you glued to her channel. In her January budgeting video, she announced that she’ll be giving her viewers a chance to win a £1,000 investment from her, if they downloaded her budgeting spreadsheet in the description, filled it in and shared it with their friends.
As a married mother of two, a property owner and an entrepreneur, Bright has combined her own journey with honesty and humour –making her one of the best financial advisors on social media.
So, whatever your financial goals and ambitions, on all things personal finance, you really need to listen to Patricia Bright.
Here is a link to Patricia’s blog: patriciabright.co.uk
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