How to Maintain Your Gym Habits

How to Maintain Your Gym Habits

Words by Wilfred Ntow-Boahene

Wilf clues us in on maintaining good gym habits to keep the momentum going and the results showing.

We’re a well into 2024 now, and you’ve had more than enough time to get the ball rolling on those fitness goals you promised to attack. Maybe you’re probably still in that honeymoon stage where everything you touch turns to gains, the compliments are rolling in, and your motivation is sky-high.

If only that feeling lasted… *sigh*.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t. Like with every other relationship, there will come a time where this honeymoon stage ends and the ‘real’ work begins. This is usually the point where some sack it off, whilst others embrace the work and transform into a full-fledged gym rat.

I’ll keep my ting somewhat brief – I’m here to help you earn your gym-rat certificate.

Be honest about 2023

You know that saying: “You are what you consistently do”?

Discipline is a skill. Doing what needs to be done regardless of whether you want to do it is learned behaviour. You can practise it, you can quantify it, you can track it.

When we look back to the past year, can we say we were disciplined? Or are we still carrying over excuses into this new year? Just a thought.

Track your lifts

Tracking your lifts can feel like a chore, but there’s no denying it facilitates making tangible progress. I know you think you can remember all the sets, weights, and reps (work) for every single exercise you do… but you can’t.

You aren’t Rain Man, and that extra work you repeatedly miss out on will add up over time. You’re putting all this effort into your fitness goals – why fail at the first hurdle?

Do what works, repeatedly

Doing the same exercises week in week out can feel mind-numbing – especially in a world where an endless variety of exercises are just a quick TikTok search away – yet it’s still the most efficient way to progress.

If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

Especially at the beginning of your journey, once you find the workout split and exercises that work for you – stick with it. Rinse it for all it’s worth before thinking about shaking things up.

Small wins lead to big progress

The small wins are often what’ll keep you showing up when the novelty of working out fades. This could be clothes fitting you better, an increase in self-confidence, better sleep, completing a full week of workouts (accountability), feeling more comfortable on the gym floor… you get the point.

Weight loss and strength gains aren’t the be all and end all of your fitness journey. Yes, they may ultimately be what we work for, but it’s equally important to acknowledge the small wins along the way.

Invest (if you can)

I’m not asking you to break the bank here. If you have the disposable income to put towards a PT, a coach, or a nutritionist then by all means, crack on. But money isn’t the only tradeable asset you possess – time and effort can go a long way.

Information has never been easier to access, and for free. Swapping out a few of those hours you spend aimlessly scrolling your IG for credible gym blogs (wink wink) or nutrition e-books are just a few examples that won’t harm your pockets.

Make your comparisons worthwhile

Comparison is the root of envy and the thief of joy, yet it can also be the source of self-reflection needed to take your training to the next level. Like many things in life, it’s all about perspective.

Instead of using someone else’s journey as a measuring stick to beat yourself with and nitpick all your perceived flaws, switch the mindset. Ask yourself: “What can I take from this person?”. If you’re following them on social media then chances are you hold them in high regard, so they must be doing something right with their training, diet, or general approach.

Own your journey

Whether you reach your goals or not will largely depend on you. There’s only so much a PT can do for you, only so many times a David Goggins clip can energise you. Your fitness journey is ultimately yours to own and take pride in.

Will you get up early to make sure you get your workout in or sleep in?

Will you stick to your diet or binge on junk food?

Will you push yourself when your set gets challenging or stay in your comfort zone and call it a day?

Life is but a series of choices and there’s no sugar coating it (pun absolutely intended). We are what we consistently do.

More Gym Tips for the 9-5er

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