How to Start a Podcast

How to Start a Podcast

With more people listening to podcasts than ever before, there’s ample opportunity to find your audience and sell your message.

With easy access to platforms and technology, there’s never been an easier time to start a podcast. As listeners grow in their thousands, there’s a good chance your target audience is out there waiting for you.

But as with all things, it’s seldom easy. Podcasting might present many opportunities, but getting it right is as much a skill as anything else. Having the will to go big isn’t enough. In the podcasting world, much more is needed.

Here’s how to start a podcast:

1. It’s time for some honesty…

How to start a podcast

We get it, your friends think you’re funny; your mum thinks you’re the smartest person alive, and your secondary school teacher may have told you how impressive your speaking abilities are. As true as those things may be, if these are your reasons for wanting to start a podcast, you should quit whilst you’re ahead – unless, of course, you only plan on showing it to your friends and family. But you’ve most likely got ambitions of reaching thousands of people and, who knows, becoming the next big thing. If so, you’ll need to be very, very honest with yourself.

Whether you plan on wowing your listeners with technical knowledge or entertaining your followers with the latest in culture, it’s good to receive some honest feedback before you begin. Try asking friends you know will be supportive but truthful about your skills as a podcaster; and if you’re feeling particularly brave, why not send a few strangers or acquaintances some samples for feedback?

2. Develop your concept

How to start a podcast

You’ve got the feedback, you’ve perfected your skills, and you’ve brushed up on your knowledge. Next, it’s time to develop your concept. Podcasts are much more than one or two episodes – and to develop a solid brand, you’ll need to think long-term. To achieve sustained success, your podcast will need to answer two important questions: why and what? Why your podcast? And what will your podcast be about? These two questions are the starting point for developing your concept. By asking these questions, you’ll gain clarity over exactly why you want to start a podcast and, by extension, why someone else might tune in to listen.

3. Pick a name, any name

The best podcast names are simple, catchy, and memorable. If you’re talking about something specific, say economics, it’s important to include a keyword people will use when searching for a topic-related podcast.

4. Plan your posting schedule

Whether you plan on podcasting full-time or making it a side hobby, you’ll need to decide on a posting schedule. Whether you decide to publish an episode a day, once a week or once a month, consistency is key.

But if you have dreams of becoming a podcasting star, it’s best to start off with once a week, or once every two weeks – you’ll have more opportunities to develop a solid listening base, build connections with your audience, raise your profile, and create a habit for yourself.

5. Don’t be afraid to learn from (NOT copy) the best

There’s nothing wrong with searching for inspiration from those who do it best; in fact, it’s the smartest thing to do. By studying successful podcasts in your niche, you’ll get a better understanding of what audiences like and what makes a podcast work. But in doing so, you should be careful not to copy those you admire. Everyone likes an original. No one likes a copycat.

Whilst looking to learn from others, it’s important to remember to be yourself, because ultimately, people will be tuning in to listen to you, not someone else. For every genre or niche, here are some very popular podcasts to get you inspired.

Whilst you’re here, you might want to give these five podcasts – which are guaranteed to make you smarter – a listen.

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