Words by Wilf
Fitness Influencer Wilf breaks down the most important gym secret you’re never told: patience.
In the age of the internet, instant success is the order of the day. We want our food cooked in seconds, our outfits delivered yesterday – and our wealth generated in days.
The same is true of the gym and fitness. Forget actually working out, we’re told, an avocado a day does the job. Oh, and, just wearing gym clothes gets results, doesn’t it?
Sorry, but it doesn’t. And if this was news to you, then you’re probably better off reading this article twice.
Forget the protein shakes, the fancy teas or the waist trainers. The latest social media trends won’t get you there either, unfortunately. It really comes down to one thing: patience. Side note: I use the word patience a lot, so have some patience, okay? For all the good that comes with the internet, the need for speed is one I’m not a big fan of. We want results, and we want them now. If we don’t get them then something, somewhere is amiss, right?
A little faith goes a long way
In the world of fitness, faith goes a long way; it’s wholly your project. It’s your body, your timeline, and your canvas. A quick survey of anyone at your current gym, dance class or sporting club and you’re likely to get the same response. The same goes for the scary guys in the weight section, if you’re comfortable enough to ask. Consistency, they’re likely to say, is everything. There’s no faking it till you make it. Or as Rocky says: “keep moving forward.” That means no working out for a month and then giving up – and it definitely means not working out when “you feel like it.”
Consistency only happens when you’re disciplined enough to keep going, making the necessary sacrifices because you believe in the journey you’re on. Sometimes it takes a little bit of blind faith – but all of the time, it takes a lot of patience.
Do it for you
So how exactly do you practice patience? Simple, really: do it for you, no one else. Take your favourite hobby, for example. You do it for you, for your own enjoyment, and for your own benefit. For most people, talking about a particular hobby – whether sport or music, fashion or cars – sets off their light bulb moment. Fitness should be the same – if you’re looking to make actual progress, that is. If it’s dance, dance because you love to do it. Whether long walks, running or lifting weights, do it because you enjoy it – and because you see the importance of carrying out that activity.
When that’s done, you’ll soon realise staying the course comes easy – and before you know it, you’re multiple years in, writing blogs and influencing the new kids on the block about your journey. Just remember to give me some credit, okay?
The fruits of your labour
Patience breeds discipline, discipline breeds consistency, consistency breeds sustainability. Patience is the key, really. Don’t forget a splash of realism, because if you’re expecting results in a year, you’re due to be disappointed. Stay patient with your workouts, stay patient with your diet, stay patient with your routine, and in due time you will enjoy the fruits of your labour.
I guarantee it.