Words by Wilf
There’s more to the gym than Instagram restricted diets and weights – and with winter coming, I break down the untold benefits of exercising.
With October comes colder nights – or, for some, more reason to skip the gym and stay inside. And whilst that may be tempting (who wouldn’t want to catch up on Squid Game, instead?), I’m here to convince you otherwise – hence the dramatic headline.
For some, skipping ropes or lifting metals is a chance to get active, to achieve a certain lifestyle or aesthetic. But beyond the hashtags and shakes, the fancy gym wear and fitness Tiktoks, there’s a more subtle – and more important – reason for you to stick to, or begin, your fitness journey.
And in truth, the best results I’ve gained from the gym are not of the aesthetic variety. No, that’s not lip service – it’s the honest truth.
Exhale stress, Inhale Confidence
Someone once said that the whole point of a hobby is to do something that gives you an enjoyable output – and they’re right. Daily life can a bit stressful, annoying even. Late emails from bosses, annoying siblings or low funds can get in the way, making hobbies and outlets all the more important.
For me, that outlet is lifting weights, my way out of stress. For that hour or two( or however long yours is), my phone stays on silent, with limited access to music changes (Drake, if you’re wondering). Focusing on lifting heavy weights helps a lot, getting rid of bad thoughts and keeping good ones flowing. At the gym, I think everything and nothing simultaneously – a ball of energy channelled through reps and sets. But more importantly, I feel free – and in control.
A Welcoming community
The first few days at a new gym can be daunting: heavy weights and heavy people make the perfect intimidating partners. Figuring your way around different sets of equipment can be even worse, at times. In truth, though, there’s little to worry about: most people are happy to help when needed, with little attention being paid to who’s doing what.
It’s a place of like-minded people with different experience levels, backgrounds and personal stories. Attend classes, make friends, and get stuck in all the positives that gym culture has to offer.
Exercise and Mental Health
I’m no scientist or doctor, but exercise and fitness are known to help with a healthy mental state. Across the country, mental health is becoming an increasingly important and discussed topic, with celebrities and influencers encouraging people to open up.
On my own fitness outspoken about mental health – and I feel blessed to have reached people who’ve found the gym and fitness a useful outlet for stress. And with September being suicide prevention month, I had all the inspiration I needed to write this piece.
Exercise promotes calm and well-being, making it a powerful tool to combat many mental health issues. That ‘feel-good’ feeling after the gym? Endorphins, a powerful chemical in your brain that energies your spirits and releases stress.
Opening the Aesthetic Roof
I repeat: the best results that I’ve gained from the gym aren’t of the aesthetic variety.
Now, at the risk of sounding contradictory, I am not telling you to go to the gym. This is my attempt at opening the aesthetic roof. To expose the benefits underneath you don’t see and may not have considered.
The gym is my cup of tea, that doesn’t mean it’s yours too – I urge you to find an outlet that is and watch your life change.